For those of you who contemplate learning how to pickup, seduce, PU women... to become a PUA, PUG, MPUA... to Get All The Women You Desire Into Bed...
If you fall into that category, I have two questions and an advice.
Here are your questions:
1. Is it your overall main goal to have sex as fast as possible with as many women as possible?
No, don't just "say yes" because you think you think that's the right answer*. Think about it. Is that absolutely what you really really want, deep down inside?
2. Are you currently experiencing any trouble approaching a strange woman on the street or in the club, no matter how much you long for it?
Have you answered those questions honestly?
Have you?
Okay. Here comes your advice:
If the answer to at least one of those questions is "no", then please do yourself a favour, and think twice before you get into PU.
The reason for that is very simple: Chances are, when you get into PU and start to study "material", you'll drink up a lot of really weird b.s., most of which will make it look as if PU was an extremely complicated and intricate system. You'll be confronted with a weird lingo that makes it seem even more technical. Before you know it, you'll doubt your every step. You'll do shit like not paying for the dinner because you think it's "not alpha", or not texting her because you lack a "proper DHV spike".
It's bullshit, plain and simple.
And it will not solve the only real problem you actually have.
See, I'm not a PUA. I'm not a PU coach. I would probably like to try that out, at some point in the future, when I feel that I really know what I'm doing and have something to give. Most probably, I won't even do it for money. Too many seem to do that, and they all seem like phonies. I don't want to go down that road - better keep the dayjob and have some fun on the weekends!
So I don't have any stakes in this. So I can afford to be honest.**
And my honest opinion is this: Most men who desperately want to "learn PU" are neither particularly shy nor particularly ugly nor "socially awkward" or extremely nerdy.
They just don't have the nerves to walk over to that group of stunningly beautiful women who sit there in the club on the other side of the dancefloor, just waiting to be approached.
That's all. I'm completely convinced it really is.
Sure, knowing how to tell a story cannot hurt either. Losing those few extra pounds might be a good idea, too.
But, think of it - once you know, with all your heart, from experience, because you've proven it to yourself repeatedly, over and over, that you can walk over there and start a conversation - don't you think you'll manage to pick up (pun intended) those skills along the lines? Assuming that you do it once every day, starting NOW - how long, do you assume, will it take you to find your pace, have two or three stories to talk about and know how to react to some of the more frequent excuses they might have?
Answer that! Seriously - think about it, and come up with a number.
Because, if you "learn PU" and try to use "DHV spikes" correctly, and try to approach from a correct 45.2° angle and learn those top 200 "$$$ openers" from some list and done the newbie mission and talk the lingo and invested in workshops, you'll have lost.... well, let's just say that the years go by quickly, and the money flows fast. Into the pockets of the so-called PUA instructors and coaches, of course. Let's say it's 3 years until you realize that you were on a wild goose chase, and another two years until you're finally ready to fully admit it to yourself and draw the consequences...
If I've calculated correctly, that's five years. And thousands of dollars, not counting the loss of income on the days after your "outings".
Now compare this to your estimate.
Of course, I still haven't sold anything to you, have I?
Okay, here it is: I'm trying to get you hooked on two ideas. I'm sealing the deal with you on those. I'm hard-selling to you the following two SHOCKING REVELATIONS:
The first being that you're a wonderful, excellent, beautiful, intelligent and capable specimen of the species homo sapiens sapiens. And if you don't buy it from me, then tell it yourself until you believe it. Because it's the truth, plain and simple.
The second one is trickier: Join a club. Read books. Attend parties. Make friends. Talk to the supermarkt clerk and the old lady at the bus stop. Just have some fun. Freaking take some relaxing weed, if you're into that sort of thing and you feel it helps you. Find a job that fulfills you. Do some community work. Join that gym you've been wanting to join for years now, and just "didn't have time for it". You know you need that, don't you? ;-)
Just... do anything and everything to make you feel better about yourself and relax. As long as it's not related to PU.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Picker-Upper.
* That's the perfect amount of "you think"s there in that sentence!
** If you still do have the impression that this is a sales letter, you're perfectly right - it is! I AM indeed selling you something. If you want to know WHAT, just read on until you hit the last few paragraphs... or jump there and only read those if you're in for the beefy stuff. I don't mind either way.
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